Our responsibility starts with the jobs generated by the mill, directly and through its supply chain of goods and service providers. Especially important is the revenue flow into the regional economy created by the mill’s wood procurement.
We are committed to ensuring that the mill enhances the wellbeing of Kainuu. According to a commissioned Pöyry/Afry study, the mill will provide direct employment to around 200 and many more indirectly – the forestry sector alone adding 350 new jobs. Over 6000 employment years will be generated by the construction phase, of which 1500 in Kainuu itself.
The mill will have an annual positive economic impact on the Kainuu region of about 300 million euros and create economic activity of about 720 million.
The various elements of responsibility support each other seamlessly. As our ecologically responsible product gain market share, economic prosperity is created all around the mill system.